Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 of my favorite things....

I found this on facebook because of course I am "friends" with Disneyland :)

I feel like this perfectly sums up a few of my favorites things (No Sound of Music reference intended)....

The link below is a must see short video of President Obama pardoning this year's turkey, Courage. After seeing this video, I kinda wish I could be a turkey pardoned by the president- heck, how else do you get to live at Disneyland...If the link below doesn't work then copy and paste it into the web browser....

If you have more time to kill- you can watch the whole thing (7 minutes long). Again, its pretty great if you ask me...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Swine flu (Swu) update....

wonder if this kid got it??

I am sure this is the first of many posts about the swu to come but here is the latest count.....

Let me preface this by saying that none of these cases have been officially diagnosed but they pretty much all exhibit the same "swu like" symptoms...

-Mary was out of commission yesterday. She peaked @ a temp. of 102 degrees.

-Scotty (our friend, and who Mary blames her illness on) also was out sick this weekend with a high temp. is now on the recovery. He came over last night for "moral support".

-Pat, one of the interns at the INN is reporting sick- and "death like" symptoms.

-Nick, Kelsy's boyfriend (and Michael's roommate) was feeling sick yesterday- again, I suspect swu.

-Trinh thinks she just has a cold. I don't believe her- I think she has more "swu like" symptoms than she cares to acknowledge.

-Janelle is now reporting that she feels sick. Although I do not know enough to call it swu, I am sensing a familiar pattern considering she spent the whole weekend here in Bellingham with the other "swu kids".

-Dakota just called me and told me she woke up this morning feeling like death. She has pretty much everyone of the symptoms of swu according to the CDC....

-Kelsy and I already deciding we are not getting sick- it just isn't going to happen to us- we are immune (power of persuasion- right??).

I even took some of Britt's 'oil of oregano' for the first and last time today. Some of the guys who live at the yellow sub swear by this stuff. You put two drops in a shot glass with some water and down it. That stuff is so potent I thought I was going to die as it went down burning. Not to mention I keep burping up oregano- GROSS! But hey, anything to prevent the swu- right? (I don't think so...) I don't care how much they say it is supposed to enhance your immune system- I'll stick to my vitamins...

Hope the swu hasn't hit hard down south yet- people seem to be dropping like flies here....
At least my roommate Liz who is studying abroad in Ghana hasn't encountered swu- just a bout with malaria (she's recovered now)...

Monday, November 2, 2009

two more pictures to add..

Considering my pumpkin got smashed about 5 hours after being carved, I felt the need to show it to you all. Oh, and below is the front yard now that the leaves have started to fall... Hopefully you all can tell what my pumpkin is...

Recognize it? It is one of the mice from the Cinderella cartoon...
Scroll down for some more cabin and Halloween pics!!!!!!

If the previous posts don't show below, go to the right hand side under November and October and click the links :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Picture overload: Cabin and Halloween pics...

Sorry for the large amount of pics below, but I figured you all wouldn't mind.
The pics below are from last weekend when Kelsy, Katie, Dakota, Janelle and I went over to the cabin as well as some pics of the Halloween festivities....

Kelsy and Katie at Safeway- they thought they were cute as a 2/$5 deal...

Nice Weather- cold but sunny...

A bit blurry, but me on the swing...

Janelle on the Swing- I thought she looked like a great swing model :)

Kelsy's first ride 4 wheelin'...

Katie's first ride 4 wheelin'...

Katie and I pre-ride posing for a picture :)

Dakota's first 4 wheelin' ride...

Katie and I outside the Cle Elum bakery with our cookies...

Posing around the car- I think this would qualify as our "band CD cover". P.S. My car/lights are not on- its just the flash :)

Stromboli dinner at the cabin...

Katie's artsy picture of the road to the cabin...

Myself, Kelsy, Janelle and I down by the swing...


Me as Martha Stewart- fixing Katie's costume- does Martha use duct-tape??

Katie and I- I swear she didn't steal the cone. We just "borrowed" it from one of the dorms on campus...

Yes, the flashing light did work....

group shot before the party- Martha (me), cone (Katie), nerd (Kelsy) and Astronaut (Janelle)....

Janelle was a pretty great astronaut....Very Space mountain like...

Katie, Kelsy, Dakota (yoshi the dinosaur from the video game Super Mario) and I at the dance party...

At the dance party- the theme was "Narnia" from the books/movies...

Janelle tried to take an above shot at the party- kinda worked??....

My friends Megan, Issac, and BonnieJean. Definitely deserved my vote for best costume- Jon and Kate "plus 8".... Quite funny considering that BonnieJean and Issac are engaged and Issac is actually Asian like Jon.