Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boston video....

Because I forgot to include this with the last post, here is a video of the trip to Boston, courtesy of the two "INNterns" Sarah and Laura that went on my trip... Enjoy- its only a few minutes long...

Boston 2009 from the INN on Vimeo.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I promise I didn't forget...

So sorry I haven't blogged in what seems like a year...

I'll try to keep it short considering I have so much to cover.

Boston was AWESOME! Over the course of the week we helped out with 11 different organizations. As a group we did everything from house demo, shoveling compost, sorting children's clothes, serving homeless individuals and helping out local Boston churches with their current needs... We stayed at a pretty sweet church- it was 375 years old... I promise for those of you that supported me- your thank you cards on the way!!! Here are a few pics of the trip and a link to a video that our trip leaders put together:

Team dinner with some of the girls- our last night in Boston. We went to the oldest pub in Boston- George Washington was a regular there...

We worked at a church that John Quincy Adams built for his father. John Adams, John Quincy Adams and their wives are barried in the basement (we actually saw their crypts). This church is the only place in the world where two US presidents are barried together- no big deal...

At the Tremont Temple Baptist church were we worked one day- the giant baptismal tank was funded by some dude with the same last name.... kinda cool...

Our group the day we worked at the Treemont Baptist Temple... Also the place where we went inside the 4-story organ that was over 150 years old- a good story you should ask me about sometime...

The woman in the white coat was from Brazil. We didn't know her but she wanted to take pics with American's so she could send them to her friends back home and tell them she had friends in America.... so funny...

Mary and I in front of the Harvard bookstore... Thats right, I went to Harvard :)

My friend Becca and I outside Cheers...

Since the trip I have been back in the swing of things back here in Bellingham- work, school, INN stuff...

Sunday I went to the mariner's game with some friends- thanks to my friend Katie who scored me a free ticket through her mom and sister that work the games. As people left the game and seats opened up, we eventually made our way to row 1, seats 1 and 2 by first base- ahh the joys of a free ticket.....

Well, this is all I can think of as note worthy for now...