Friday, July 31, 2009

Still Alive and Kickin' ...

This is just a post to say that sorry I haven't blogged in ages- school kind of caught up with me over these past few months and with summer school in full swing (what was I thinkin' taking summer classes.... oh boy...) I haven't officially caught up on my "to do" list..

Stay tuned as summer winds down and fall approaches- I will make my best effort to be a "better blogger"

To do list:
1- Finish thank you's (still) to all those that supported me in Boston- There comin' I swear!
2- Work on scrap book of the year so that I can clean off my bulletin board and start Fall with a fresh start...
3- Find a job for the now almost over summer. I've resorted to temporarily house sitting for a crazy family with 3 cats (2 of them are on meds- one even has an inhaler- can you say ridiculous??) and a jungle of plants for their backyard (leave it to me to get a house sitting job with plant watering responsibilities the hottest week of the year....)... Good news is that the neighbors saw me watering and hired me to take care of their "indoor" cats and two potted plants- this is my kind of gig....
4-Finish summer quarter. Oh yeah- guess I should make time for some school work- shucks darn....

Anyway, Sorry to disappoint those of you sitting on the edge of your seats for my blog updates (Hey, I know you're out there :) But I will keep you "posted" if anything exciting happens... Well, I'll try at least :)

Glad its finally starting to cool off- happy summer!