Saturday, May 22, 2010

Where'd I go??.....

Certainly set a new personal best for going the longest between two posts... sorry!!

Well as you can imagine, a lot has happened since February, so I'll just give you a brief month-to-month update:


Went to Bend, Oregon on yet another great trip with the INN. Dare I say best trip yet. We spent all week working with habitat for humanity. Our group was great, the Habitat staff and volunteers were wonderful and the works wasn't all that bad! I made some nice contacts at Habitat and at the church we visited down there. Who knows, maybe I haven't seen the last of Bend...

Group Pic

Roommate pic- Mary, Me, Liz and Brittany


Well considering I don’t remember most of April, I’m going to guess it was full of class, homework, work and internship. Oh and of course, a few visits from Janelle. One night, when Katie was feeling restless because her back is feeling better, she had it in her mind that she wanted to go jump in the fountain in Red Square up on campus at midnight. So of course, she talks Mary, Trinh and myself to go with her. Janelle came along as our “official photographer”.

Let me preface these pictures by sharing with you that according to a “reliable source” jumping in the fountain is frowned upon, but not illegal. I’m sure that makes you all feel better :)





If April was busy, May was much busier! Although I won’t graduate until next March, I finish up human services this quarter, which means I had to complete the capstone portfolio that the program requires. The portfolio process required me to complete numerous essays, compile them into an online portfolio and simultaneously complete a project that represents my learning or skills. Thankfully the entire thing was due on Thursday which means I’m now done with this class for the quarter.

You can check out the finished products by clicking on the two links below:

Kristina’s Capstone Portfolio- This portfolio demonstrates my learning throughout the program. Probably boring and not too exciting to look through…

Kristina’s Professional Portfolio- This portfolio acts as a more detailed, online resume that I can give to potential employers as I apply for jobs.

Well, that’s about it for now…. I sincerely hope to get more regular at this blogging thing…. Lets shoot for another post in a few weeks- not a few months… Only a few more weeks of the quarter to go!!!